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Systems Access Request Form - CNIC FFR

Resource Type: Form
Published: 10/19
Effective immediately, all CNIC FFR System Access Requests, to include CYMS, Kronos, FFR SAP Portal, SAP ERP, SAP HR, FFR Navy Single Sign On, JIRA and Privileged User Agreements will now be using the CNIC FFR System Access Request Form version 1.1/January 2019. CYP staff may submit this form even if background checks are "in-process." Note in the background investigation field or Section 10 that background investigations are in-process. For new CITRIX accounts, staff must list their Cyber Awareness & OPSEC completion dates and make sure that Section 11 - Approval Information is digitally signed by both the requestor and approver. The IAM Signature portion will be completed once verified by CNIC's IA designee. If a user does not have a CAC, they should use the instructions below for creating a digital signature without a CAC card.